Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Parties

OMG, got invited to a holiday party tomorrow night, where everyone that is anyone might be there. What to wear? The worst part about being invited to these events is finding something that looks expensive to wear. Well, let's see. My black leather pants are too small. K, I got it. Babyphat jeans given to me by a friend topped with a cashmere sweater also passed down to me from another friend. Oh yeah and I have those nice boots my sister gave me. I'm set. Thank God for my well-off friends. Hope they aren't there to recognize their clothing. Oh well! It will be a blast. Let's see there will be cab fare or valet parking for my junker. No, that would be too embarrassing. I'll just walk. Thankfully I have Christmas Day off. Wishing you all the Merriest of Holidays.


  1. I have sent a comment but not sure if it got through. I think you will look great tonight and yes thank god for well off friends!!!

  2. Sure wish I had some well off friends! Hope the party rocked and that you rocked the party.

  3. Hey Pinky what you up to these days? have'nt heard about you for ages.x
